Product Introduction:
This product utilizes isothermal amplification technology and visual color change to rapidly detect 8 common types of Chlamydia in cell culture medium. It does not require DNA extraction; instead, 1 µL of cell culture supernatant is directly added to the reaction solution. The reaction is performed at 65°C for 30 minutes. Positive samples will exhibit a color change from yellow to red in the reaction solution. The entire process does not require a PCR machine or gel electrophoresis, effectively avoiding cross-contamination caused by aerosols. Compared to traditional PCR methods, this product is easy to operate and highly sensitive. It can tolerate various PCR inhibitors present in the culture medium, thus avoiding false-negative results. The detection results are highly consistent with qPCR.
Storage and Transportation:
Transport with ice pack (wet ice); store at -20°C; shelf life of 12 months.
Component Number | Component | Volume |
G1902-50 | Mycored Buffer | 1.2 mL |
G1902-1 | Mycored Enzyme | 50 µL |
G1902-2 | Positive Control | 50 µL |
G1902-3 | Paraffin Oil | 1 mL |
Instruction Manual | 1 copy |
a: Contains a color developer.
Preparation before Experiment:
- 65°C water bath or metal bath.
Experimental Procedure:
- Sample Preparation:a) Adherent Cells: Directly aspirate the supernatant. It is recommended to take samples when cell seeding or medium replacement has been done for at least 3 days and cell confluence reaches around 90%. At this time, the Chlamydia content in the supernatant is higher and easier to detect.b) Suspended Cells: After centrifugation at 1000 rpm for 5 minutes, collect the supernatant. It is recommended to take samples when cell seeding or medium replacement has been done for at least 3 days. At this time, the Chlamydia content in the cell culture medium is higher and easier to detect.
- Reaction System.
Component 25 μL Mycored Buffer 23 μL MycoRed Enzyme 1 μL
a: After thawing, invert and mix the Mycored Buffer before use.
b: According to the number of samples, after preparing the above reaction system, distribute it into reaction tubes, add 20 µL of Paraffin Oil, and proceed to the next step.
- Sample Addition:
- Negative Control: Leave the first reaction tube without adding any sample as a negative control.
- Positive Control: Add 1 μL of Positive Control to the last reaction tube as a positive control.
- Test Sample: Add 1 μL of cell culture supernatant to the remaining reaction tubes.
Please insert the pipette tip beneath the Paraffin Oil layer when adding the samples.
- Reaction Conditions:Transfer the reaction tubes to a preheated 65°C water bath or metal bath and incubate for 30 minutes.
Result Interpretation:
After the reaction is complete, immediately remove the reaction tubes. Once the reaction fluid returns to room temperature, if the reaction fluid remains yellow, the result is considered negative. If the reaction fluid turns red, the result is considered positive. Do not open the reaction tubes, as it may lead to aerosol contamination.
- Do not open the reaction tubes after the reaction is complete.
- It is recommended to use pipette tips with filters during the preparation of the reaction mixture. Dispose of used pipette tips and reaction tubes in self-sealing bags and handle them appropriately.
- Regularly clean the laboratory bench and pipettes with nucleic acid decontamination reagent (recommended G3020).
This product is intended for research use only and is not intended for clinical diagnosis.