Agarose (Electrophoresis-Grade, Low EEO), 100g $400

SKU: GC205013-100g
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Product Information

Product Name Cat.No. Spec.
Agarose(Electrophoresis-Grade, Low EEO) G5056-5G  5 g
GC205013-100g  100 g


Agarose(Electrophoresis-grade, low EEO)is a polysaccharide used for size-based separation of nucleic acids in agarose gel electrophoresis applications. It is ideal for resolving DNA and RNA fragments from 50 bp to >30 kb.

Features of this product:

• Ideal for analysis and recovery of DNA and RNA for routine applications

• Strong gel structure allows for better handling and less breakage

Storage and Handling Conditions

Transport at room temperature; store in a cool and dry place, valid for 24 months.

Features of Product

CAS 9012-36-6
Format White to off-white powder
Gel strength ≥1200 g/cm2 (1% Gel)
Gelling temperature 36±1.5℃(1.5% Gel)
Melting temperature 88±1.5℃(1.5% Gel)
Electroosmotic value ≤0.13
Sulfate ≤0.15%
Moisture ≤10%
DNase None Detected
RNase None Detected
Protease None Detected


The concentration of agarose gel Linear DNA separation range (bp)
0.5% 1000-30000
0.7% 800-12000
1.0% 500-10000
1.2% 400-7000
1.5% 200-3000
2.0% 50-2000


Assay Protocol / Procedures

1. It is recommended for 0.5 x TBE (recommended G3002) or 1 x TAE (recommended G3001) buffer to prepare an appropriate amount of gel preparation and electrophoresis buffer;

2. According to the amount of gel and gel concentration, the appropriate amount of agarose powder is added to a glass triangular conical flask containing a certain amount of electrophoresis buffer (the volume of electrophoresis buffer added should not exceed 50% of the capacity of the conical flask).

3. The conical flask covered with plastic wrap or PE gloves on the top of the mouth should be put into the microwave oven to heat and dissolve the agarose

4. An appropriate proportion of nucleic acid dyes such as non-toxic nucleic acid dye SerRed (recommended G3606) or ethidium bromide EB (recommended G3010) should be added to the agarose when the solution is cooled to about 50°C. And then it would be mixed well.

5. The solution is poured into the glue tank. A suitable comb is inserted into the corresponding position. The thickness of the gel is generally controlled between 3 ~ 5mm.

6. The agarose gel can be solidified in about 30 minutes at room temperature (the solidification time of different concentrations of gel is different and it is adjusted according to the actual situation).


1. The buffer used for gel preparation should be the same as the buffer used for electrophoresis.

2. It is necessary to mix well after adding nucleic acid dye, otherwise, the electrophoresis bands may be distorted.

3. If high-concentration agarose gel (≥2.5%) needs to be prepared, let it stand at room temperature for 10 minutes after step 3. And then the agarose solution should be heated, which is conducive to a more uniform dissolution of the agarose.

4. It is recommended to prepare the agarose gel for immediate use or place it at room temperature for no more than 4 hours. The gel can be wrapped in plastic wrap and placed at 4°C for long-term storage (if the nucleic acid dye is added, it needs to be protected from light). Generally, it can be stored for 2-5 days. The brightness or clarity of electrophoresis bands may slightly decline.

5. If it is needed to recover the DNA in the cut gel strips used in the gel recovery kit, the kit product instructions should be referred to. And the recommended melting temperature of the strips is 60±5℃.


For Research Use Only!

Product recommendation
Product Name
50×TAE Electrophoresis Buffer Solution
500 mL
10×TBE Electrophoresis Buffer Solution
250 mL
6× DNA Loading Buffer
500 μL
20× SSC Buffer
100 mL
2×RNA Loading Buffer
500 μL
10×MOPS Buffer
100 mL
SerRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (10000×, Aqueous Solubility)
100 μL
SerRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain(10000×,Aqueous Solubility)
500 μL
SerRed Nucleic Acid Dye (10000×, Water Soluble)
5×1 mL
Agarose(Electrophoresis-Grade, Low EEO)
5 g
Agarose (Electrophoresis-Grade, Low EEO)
100 g

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