9. SWE Rapid High Resolution Running Buffer (Powder), 1 L , $16

SKU: G2081-1L
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Product Information

Product Name Cat. No. Spec.
SWE Rapid High Resolution Running Buffer (Powder) G2081-1L 1 L

Product Description

The SWE rapid high resolution running bufferr (powder), optimized from Tris-glycine running buffer, is suitable for use with Tris-HCl SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis. Compared with the traditional Tris-glycine running buffer, when using this product for electrophoresis, the holding voltage of 200-250 V, about 30 min to complete electrophoresis, was significantly time saving. It also performed better on small molecule protein separation, being able to separate the 10 kDa from the 15 kDa band in prestained protein marker and clearly visible (gel concentration above 8%), to achieve rapid and efficient isolation of proteins.


Storage conditions: Room temperature.

Shipping conditions: Room temperature.

Shelf life: 24 months from date of manufacture.

Assay Protocol

1. Dissolve in 1000 ml of pure water per bag of running buffer (powder) and use after sufficient dissolution.

2. Different protein gel concentrations were chosen for different protein molecular weights,  refer to the table below:


SDS-PAGE Separation Gel Concentration Optimum Separation Range (kDa)

(SWE Rapid High Resolution Running Buffer)

6% 15-300
8% 10-250
10% 5-150
12% 3-100
15% <60

3. Constant voltage electrophoresis, 200-250 V, Refer to the following table for electrophoresis time:

Comparison Table of Electrophoresis Voltage and Electrophoresis Time
Voltage(V) Estimated Electrophoresis Time(min)
200 35
220 30
250 25


1. This product is suitable for Tris-HCl system SDS-PAGE gel, for example, our products  G2003, and G2037, are also applicable to Colorful Acrylamide Kit G2041, G2042, G2043, G2044, G2045, G2060, G2061, G2062, G2063, G2064.

2. High voltage electrophoresis is easy to produce high heat. Please select the appropriate voltage electrophoresis according to the ambient temperature.

3. The running solution can be reused for 2-3 times, and it is not recommended to reuse it more times.

4. Please wear lab coat and disposable gloves during the operation.


For Research Use Only!

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