7. SweScript All-in-One RT SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Remover), 50 rxns $460

SKU: G3337-50
In Stock


Product Information

Product Name Cat.No. Spec.
SweScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Remover) G3337-50 50 rxns
G3337-100 100 rxns



This product contains 5×Ready-to-use master mix (5×SweScript All-in-One SuperMix for qPCR) and gDNA remover reagents, can remove genomic remnants of the template while the reverse transcription reaction is performed.The kit contained 5×SweScript All-in-One No-RT Control SuperMix as a reverse-transcriptase-free control to determine whether the qPCR template was derived from cDNA.The master mix contains all reagents required for the reverse transcription reaction(SweScript RT, RNase Inhibitor, Random Primer, Oligo(dT)18 Primer, dNTPs and the optimized buffer system). SweScript RT is a mutant reverse transcriptase obtained by in vitro evolutionary screening and is characterized by high thermal stability and processivity. gDNA Remover contains a thermosensitive DNase that is 30 times more active than DNase I and acts only on dsDNA and is susceptible to inactivation under high temperature conditions.


Storage and Handling Conditions

Wet ice bag transportation; Stored at -20℃ temperature, valid for 12 months.



Component Number Component G3333-50  G3333-100 
G3337-1 5×SweScript All-in-One SuperMix for qPCR  200 μl  400 μL
G3337-2 gDNA Remover  50 μL  100 μL
G3337-3 Nuclease-Free Water  1 mL  1 mL
G3337-4 5×SweScript All-in-One No-RT Control SuperMix for qPCR  20 μL  40 μL
Manual 1 pc 1 pc


Assay Protocol / Procedures

1.Synthesis of the first strand cDNA and Genome removal

(1) Preparation reaction system (recommended 20ul reaction system) :


Component Volume
5×SweScript All-in-One SuperMix for qPCR 4 μL
gDNA Remover 1 μL
Total RNA/mRNA 0.1 ng-5ug / 10 pg-0.5ug
Nuclease-Free Water Add to 20 μL

(2) Gently mix and centrifuge;

(3) Reverse transcription program setting:

Temperature Time
25℃ 5 min
42℃ 15-30 min
85℃ 5 s



1. Please wear disposable gloves during operation to avoid RNase contamination.

2. Be sure to place 5×SweScript All-in-One SuperMix、5×SweScript All-in-One No-RT Control SuperMix、gDNA Remover on ice.

3. 5×SweScript SuperMix、5×SweScript All-in-One No-RT Control SuperMix、gDNA Remover contains high concentrations of glycerol and should be briefly centrifuged before use.

4. For high GC or complex templates, the reverse transcription temperature can be raised to 65℃.

5. If a negative control is required, just replace the equal volume of G3337-1 5×SweScript All-in-One SuperMix for qPCR in the reaction system with G3337-4 5×SweScript All-in-One No-RT Control SuperMix for qPCR.

6. The reverse transcription products can be stored at -20℃ for a short time. If long-term storage is needed, it is recommended to store them at -80℃ after packing to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

7. If the subsequent qPCR primers are designed across exons, the genome removal step can be omitted.



For Research Use Only!

Ver. No.: V1.0-202112

Product recommendation
Product Name
U6 Forward PCR Primer (for miRNA qRT-PCR)
500 µL
Universal Reverse PCR Primer (for miRNA qRT-PCR)
500 µL
SweScript RT I First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
100 rxns
SweScript RT I First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
50 rxns
SweScript RT I First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (With gDNA Remover)
100 rxns
SweScript RT I First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (With gDNA Remover)
50 rxns
SweScript RT II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
100 rxns
SweScript RT II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
50 rxns
SweScript RT II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (With gDNA Remover)
100 rxns
SweScript RT II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (With gDNA Remover)
50 rxns
miRNA First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(Tailing Reaction)
25 rxns
SweScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit
100 rxns
SweScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit
50 rxns
SweScript First Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for PCR
50 rxns
SweScript All-in-One RT SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Remover)
100 rxns
SweScript All-in-One RT SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Remover)
50 rxns
dsDNase (Thermolabile)
50 μL

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