4. SweScript RT II (second generation) First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (With gDNA Remover), 50 rxns $469,

SKU: G3333-50
In Stock


Product Information

Product Name Cat.No. Spec.
SweScript RT II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (With gDNA Remover) G3333-50 50 rxns
G3333-100 100 rxns


This product utilizes the modified mutant reverse transcriptase to synthesize the first strand of cDNA with total RNA or mRNA as the template for efficient reverse transcription. The kit contains all the reagents needed to synthesize the first strand of cDNA with high quality, and provides two kinds of cDNA synthesis primers for choice: The Random Hexamer Primer and Oligo (dT)18 Primer synthesized single-stranded cDNA products that can be directly used for subsequent PCR or qPCR reactions. SWEScript RT II (Reverse Transcriptase) is a mutant Reverse Transcriptase based on M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase and obtained through in vitro evolutionary screening. SWEScript RT II has no RNase H activity. The RNA degradation in the template of DNA/RNA hybridization during the first strand cDNA synthesis reaction was avoided, so as to ensure the amount and length of the first strand cDNA synthesis. Compared with the wild-type enzyme and the first generation of SweScript RT I, the second generation of SweScript RT II has further improved the thermal stability and cDNA synthesis efficiency. It can efficiently synthesize cDNA in the range of 42-65℃ and complete the reverse transcription reaction as soon as 5 min, especially suitable for the reverse transcription of RNA with complex structure.

The kit also provides GDNA Remover reagent, which can quickly remove residual genomic DNA contamination from RNA templates before reverse transcription steps, improving the reliability of experimental results, and simplifying the design of qPCR primers without the need for cross-exon primer design.

Storage and Handling Conditions

Wet ice bag transportation; Stored at -20℃ temperature, valid for 12 months.


Component Number Component G3333-50  G3333-100 
G3333-1  SweScript RT II Enzyme Mixa  50ul 100μL
G3333-2  5x Reaction Bufferb  200μL  400μL
G3333-3 Oligo (dT)18 Primer (100uM)  50μL  100μL
G3333-4  Random Hexamer Primer (100uM)  50μL  100μL
G3333-5  gDNA Remover  50μL  100μL
G3333-6 10x gDNA Remover Buffer  50μL  100μL
G3333-7 Nuclease-Free Water 1ml 1ml
Manual 1pc 1pc

a:with RNase Inhibitor

b:with dNTP Mixture &Mg²+

Assay Protocol / Procedures

1. Genome removal

(1) The RNA template and Nuclease-free Water were put on ice to melt for later use;

(2) Genome removal reaction (recommended 10ul reaction system) :

Component Volume
10x gDNA Remover Buffer 1ul
gDNA Remover 1ul
Total RNA/mRNA 0.1 ng-5ug / 10 pg-0.5ug
Nuclease-Free Water Add to 10ul

(3) Gently mix and centrifuge;

(4) Incubate at 37℃ for 2 min and then put on ice for later use;

2. Synthesis of the first strand cDNA

(1) Preparation of reverse transcription reaction system (20ul reaction system is recommended);

Component Volume
In the previous step, the genome removed the reaction fluid 10ul
5x Reaction Buffer 4ul
Oligo (dT)18 Primer (100uM) 1ul
or Random Hexamer Primer (100uM) or 1ul
or Gene Specific Primer (2uM) or 1ul
SweScript RT II Enzyme Mix 1ul
Nuclease-Free Water Add to 20ul

Note: For high GC or complex templates, the RNA template, reverse transcription-primers and nucrenase-free water can be mixed in advance and then cooled on ice quickly after being kept at 65℃for 5 min. And then you add the other components.

(2) Gently mix and centrifuge;

(3) Reverse transcription program setting:

Temperature Time
25℃a 5 min
55℃b 5-15 min
85℃ 5 s

a: For example, the Random Hexamer Primer is selected and incubated at 25℃for 5 min, then the subsequent reaction is carried out. If you choose to use Oligo (dT)18 Primer or Gene Specific Primer, you can directly react at 55℃.

b: For high GC or complex templates, the reverse transcription temperature can be raised to 65℃.


1. Please wear disposable gloves during operation to avoid RNase contamination.

2. The reverse transcription products can be stored at -20℃ for a short time. If long-term storage is needed, it is recommended to store them at -80℃ after packing to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

3. If the template is of eukaryotic origin, it is recommended to select Oligo (dT)18 Primer and pair it with the 3′ Poly A tail of eukaryotic mRNA to obtain the highest yield of full-length cDNA.

4. For reverse transcription of prokaryotic RNA, Random Hexamer Primer or Gene Specific Primer should be used.

5. Random Hexamer Primer has wide applicability and is suitable for mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, small RNA and lncRNA templates.

6. If reverse transcription is followed by qPCR assay, Oligo (dT)18 Primer and Random Hexamer Primer can be mixed to make cDNA synthesis efficiency in all regions of mRNA the same, which helps to improve the authenticity and repeatability of quantitative results.

7. If the subsequent qPCR primers are designed across exons, the genome removal step can be omitted.



For Research Use Only!

Ver. No.: V1.0-202111

Product recommendation
Product Name
U6 Forward PCR Primer (for miRNA qRT-PCR)
500 µL
Universal Reverse PCR Primer (for miRNA qRT-PCR)
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SweScript RT I First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (With gDNA Remover)
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SweScript RT II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
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SweScript RT II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
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miRNA First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(Tailing Reaction)
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SweScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit
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SweScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit
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SweScript First Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for PCR
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SweScript All-in-One RT SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Remover)
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SweScript All-in-One RT SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Remover)
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dsDNase (Thermolabile)
50 μL

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