4-1. 2 x SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer (Non-Reduced), 1ml x 5 , $75

SKU: G2032-1ML
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SKU: G2032-1ML Category:


Product Information

Product Name Cat.No. Spec.
2 x SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer (Non-Reduced) G2032-1ML 1 mL


The 2× SDS-PAGELoading Buffer (Non-Reduced), containing Tris-HCl buffer (63 mM, pH6.8), glycerol (10%), SDS (2%) and bromophenol blue (0.0025%), is used for electrophoretic loading of non-reducing SDS-PAGE protein samples.

Storage and Handling Conditions

Product shipped at wet ice, stored at -20℃, valid for 12 months.


Component G2032-1ML
2× SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer (Non-Reduced) 1 mL
Protocol 1

Assay Protocol / Procedures

1. Mix each 1 μL protein sample with 1 μL 1× SDS-=AGE Loading Buffer (non-reduced).

2. Heat in a metal bath or boiling water bath for 3-5 minutes to fully denature the protein sample.

3. It can be added to the spotting well after cooling to room temperature.


1. The product should be returned to room temperature before used.

2. Please wear lab coat and disposable gloves during operation.


For Research Use Only!

Ver. No.: V2.0-202104

Product recommendation
Product Name
RIPA Lysis Buffer (Strong)
30 mL

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