37. Slide Drying Rack (Thick Acid-Resistant); Reusable, each $60

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SKU: WGSPB0002 Category:


Product Information:

Product Name: Slide Drying Rack (Thick Acid-Resistant) Product Code: WGSPB0002 Specification: Individual (Thick Acid-Resistant)

Product Description: This product has dimensions of (CM) 29.419.20.1. Compared to regular slide drying racks, it can withstand a certain level of acid corrosion and is well-suited for slides treated with acidic staining solutions.

Instructions for Use: Before use, clean the slide drying rack with water. Place the slides that need to be dried on the rack and let them air dry naturally.

Precautions: Although this product is acid-resistant, it is still essential to keep it away from dangerous substances such as acids and alkalis to reduce product wear and tear.

During drying, avoid direct sunlight exposure, especially prolonged exposure.

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