2. Stain: Eosin Y Solution (Aqueous); 500 mL x 2 $180

SKU: G1002-500ML x 2-1
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SKU: G1002-500ML x 2-1 Category: Tag:


Product Information

Product Information

Product Name Cat. No. Spec.
Eosin Y Solution (Aqueous) G1002-100ML 100 mL
G1002-500ML 500 mL


When used correctly, various shades of pink can be obtained to aid in visualization of tissue components. Erythrocytes, collagen, and the cytoplasm of muscle or epithelial cells will stain with different shads of pink. After tissue sections or cells are stained, the cytoplasm are pink to red, erythrocytes are pink to red.

Storage and Handling Conditions

Store and transport at room temperature. Valid for 6 months.

Directions for Use (HE stain procedure)

1. Deparaffinize sections if necessary and hydrate to distilled water.

2. Rinse slide in distilled water.

3. Stain slide in Hematoxylin, Mayer’s for 3-5 minutes.

4. Rinse slide in running tap water.

5. Apply Differentiation Reagent for 2-5 seconds, rinse slide in running water.

5. Apply Bluing Reagent for 30 seconds.

6. Rinse in distilled water.

7. Stain slide in Eosin Y Solution (Aqueous) for 3-5 minutes.

8. Rinse in graded alcohol (70%, 80%, 95%, 100%) by 3 minutes respectively, followed by 3 minutes in absolute alcohol.

9. Clear, and mount in synthetic resin.


1. The purity of anhydrous ethanol used for dehydration should be greater than 99.9%. If ethanol contains water, Eosin Y will fade and cause uneven staining

2. Eosin Y solution (alcoholic) can be used repeatedly for several times, and it is recommended to replace the new dye when the tissue coloring is obviously shallow

3. Please wear lab coat and disposable gloves during operation.


For Research Use Only!

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