17. Senescence associated β-gal-actosidase,SA-β-GAL 100ml

SKU: G1125-100ML
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Product Information

Product Name Cat. No.  Spec.
Senescence associated β-gal-actosidase,SA-β-GAL G 1125-100ML  100 mL

Product Description/Introduction

This product is a β-galactosidase fixative solution for aging cell β-galactosidase staining. The vast majority of positive normal cells have a limited ability to divide and then enter the senescence state after they fail to divide. This process is called cell senescence, which is fine cell senescence is a mechanism by which cells control their growth potential. It’s replicative senescence. Normal cell meridian After a finite number of divisions, the division stops and irreversible growth arrest occurs. At this time, the cell is still alive, but the cell morphology and physiological generation. There is a significant change in the activity of the cell, which is usually characterized by increased cell size and activation of β-galactosidase associated with aging. Beta galactosidase Lysozyme is a hydrolytic enzyme in cellular lysozyme, usually active at pH 4.0, but active at pH 6.0 in senescent cells. Failure β-galactosidase fixation solution of old cells can fix β-galactosidase in senescent cells.

The main ingredients of this product are 0.01M phosphate buffer, 2% formaldehyde, 0.2% glutaraldehyde.

Storage and Shipping Conditions

Transport at room temperature; Store at 4℃ away from light, valid for 12 months

Product Content

Component Number Component G 
G1125 Senescence associated β-gal-actosidase,SA-β-GAL 100mL

Assay Protocol / Procedures

1. For adherent cells: Cells cultured in 6-well plates (or cell slides) were sucked off the cell culture medium, washed twice with PBS, and 1 mL was added senescent cells β-galactosidase fixative solution was fixed at room temperature for 15 min, then the fixative solution was removed, and the senescent cells β was cleaned with PBS buffer solution galactosidase staining.

2. For frozen section: rewarm the frozen section at room temperature for 10 min. Circle the tissue with a circular stroke. An appropriate amount of senescent cells were dripped onto the tissue β-galactosidase fixating solution was fixed for 20 min at room temperature to cover the tissue completely. Tissue sections were soaked and washed with PBS β-galactosidase staining of senescent cells.



1. Please use it in a well-ventilated environment and take good protection to avoid inhalation.

2. After use, please tighten the bottle cap in time to prevent volatilization of active ingredients.

3. For your safety and health, please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves




For Research Use Only!

Ver. No.: V1.0-202212








Product recommendation
Product Name
Aging Cell β-galactosidase Staining Kit
100 T
Servicebio® Senescence associated β-gal-actosidase,SA-β-GAL
100 mL

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