1-2. Upgraded Mini Centrifuge

SKU: MS6000
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Product introduction

The Mini centrifuge (also known as microcentrifuge) is simple and convenient to operate. Just put the microtube, cover the lid and start it. The rotor can reach the highest speed in a few seconds, and its centrifugal force is evenly and quickly applied to the microtube. It is especially suitable for handling PCR tubes and microfiltration, quickly throwing off reagents from the tube wall or tube cap, and slow centrifugation of the test tube or tube.



Technical parameters

1. Centrifuge 8×1.5 mL centrifuge tubes at the same time, or 4 rows of 0.2 mL PCR tubes;

2. Equipped with rotors: 0.2 mLX8X4, 0.5 mLX10;
3. The rotor can be quickly installed and replaced without tools;
4. The maximum speed is 6000r/min;
5. The body is small and can be operated with one hand;

6. Stop working when the lip is opened.



Product recommendation 

Cat.No.  Product Name  Spec.   
MC-700  Mini Centrifuge  Set 
MS6000  Mini Centrifuge (Upgraded)  Set 
SMC-5000F  Mini Centrifuge(Upgraded, integrated)  Set 


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